
TED Talk – Eyes

I did my TED like talk on May 19th, on eyes. It’s an unique topic, so how did I pick it? I kind of started off with thinking about what I like to do. I like to do a lot, so I got a lot of ideas, like tennis, art, shopping. I really honed in on art, because I feel like it could be a good topic. In art, there’s some stuff that I’m specifically into, which is eyes.

After I got my topic, I worked on my slides. I did an introduction, some specifics about eyes, a demo on how I draw eyes, and ended with my connection to my theme. An important part of the presentation was about how eyes convey emotions.

Finally, I presented my TED talk. It was actually a fun experience, even though I started out nervous. As I went on with my slides, I loosened up and started to actually talk and not just read off my script. At the end, I felt confident and not a little scared. All in all, doing a presentation in front of the class helped my build my public speaking skills and brought my confidence up.